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Sex Education the wrong tactic

We can make school choice pass if the leadership here would just take the sex education but down. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it or not. Do you want to win this time? I for one will be very unhappy if this fails because the group leading would not take this excellent advice. Why turn so many away so quickly? And why is the entire campaign negative? When I want to sell something I do it with enthusiasm! School Choice is exciting! It offers every student an opportunity to choose a place in which they can thrive. Amazing! I worry that three months later so many are still making this point yet it stillleads. I worry we have the wrong organization leading the charge. California statistics will show that 80% of parents do not have an issue with sex ed and perceive those who do as the religious right. School Choice should be promoted as a non-partisan issue and it’s a huge mistake to think otherwise. Every day you get new visitors here with one chance to make a first impression. Get it wrong and you’ll never see them again.

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