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Ms. SAG speaks about the “Democratic and Republican Parties Revealed”.

She received her Bachelor of
Science degree in Management & Finance from the University of Redlands and is a Real Estate Appraiser
by profession. She is also a U.S.A.F.R. Veteran. 

She is also a U.S.A.F.R. Veteran. 

Ms. SAG is committed to God, family, country, and
historical truths. She has performed volunteer work in her community for over 30 years, with a focus on
advocating for youth and their personal development. She uses her community skills to encourage
political introspection and self-motivation. She conducts seminars and instructional forums that
identify pathways to happiness and strategies for success to young people by promoting discipline,
responsibility and needed social structure. Having grown up during the civil rights era, Ms. SAG has
witnessed first-hand the invaluable role of strong traditional families, and how the family is an essential
component in the character development and civic maturation of our youth. In order to create strong
neighborhoods and excellent schools, and to combat a growing ambivalence to crime and social
irresponsibility, she strives to provide a sense of history, purpose, and hope.

Click to watch her video.

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