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The CTC does not defend "pedophiles" in terms of due process.

This will turn a lot of potential supports off. The CTC defends ALLEGED pedophiles. They aren't sex offenders in terms of the law until they're convicted, and everyone has a right to a legal defense. If the defendant loses, he/she is on the hook the for the legal expenses. It works the same way if you have private professional liability insurance, which teachers need in this day and age. I had a colleague who was falsely accused of sexual assault. If the union hadn't provided an attorney he would have been in trouble. What he didn't know (and I didn't know), is that you don't have to get that extremely necessary protection from the union. You can buy professional liability insurance at a lower cost than union dues. That's what I do as a teacher. That way, I don't have to join the union for that protection. So please, don't use this kind of strategy. It's BS, and a lot of potential supports will see that.

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