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How will this affect local control of education?

How will this affect local control of education?


Generally, the passage of the Education Freedom Act will have no structural impact on the current public school system. The proposed initiative will not degrade the public school system in any way; it will only make schools and school districts more competitive in order to deliver a product their customer’s demand. The current California educational system will be preserved intact. The local school districts will continue to be operated as they are now. They can continue to choose which students they will accept (also known as ZIP Code discrimination). They will continue to hire their own teachers and employees. With voter approval, they will continue to be able to float bond issues to construct school facilities and pass) parcel taxes earmarked for schools. We expect an increase in public school per student funding.  

 In brief, very little will change and yet everything will change because of the introduction of competition into the California education system. 

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  • Anne Marie Simoneau
    published this page in School Choice FAQ 2022-05-29 13:54:12 -0700