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Stephen Wilcox

Stephen Wilcox

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  • signed up on ARK Church of Redlands 2021-01-16 17:04:08 -0800

    ARK Church of Redlands

    Members of the ARK Church of Redlands

    The California School Choice Foundation is dedicated to bringing more choices in education to all K-12 students. 

    We are working to see that all children can go to the government, private and parochial school of their choice by bringing the free market into education. Imagine every K-12 student having $12,500 each year into their very own Education Savings Account to help pay tuition.

    But wait there's more!

    Home School students share accumulates.

    Imagine having $120,000

    waiting for your child to be used for college or vocational training after they graduate.

    Sign up