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Wendy Beyer

Wendy Beyer

Laura Rodigues Jeanne Erra Michelle Rotshek Christina Tichelle Norwood Sara Boyer Tiffany Downhour Lindsay McCasland Gabee Rajes Beth Ullom Jennifer Majer Sarah Hamill Rita Barber LeighAnn Leyba Rebecca Hagler Susan Garcia Judy Vossler Frank Simonetti Claudine Tenwolde Brian Westlake Donna Ostrander
About Wendy
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  • Total Recruits
    67 collected! 134.0% of the goal
Recent Activity
  • wants to volunteer 2021-04-22 19:04:30 -0700

    Experienced & Active

    Leaders Wanted

    We need senior leader such as county and regional chairs, local church and school district strike team leaders, etc.  If you have an activism background and are willing to learn our methods, please apply.  After you fill out this page, please email your resume to [email protected].

    Job requirements will appear here when when they become available.

    Become a volunteer